Monthly Archives: November 2008

Dude, snow.




And?  It’s not supposed to stop for 36 hours.  O.O

In ther news, apparently I’m directing she spring show at my theatre.  We’re going with either ‘The Diary of Anne Frank’ or ‘Our Town’.  Thoughts please!

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It’s November. Do you know where your armadillo’s been?

FYI I’ve decided to start using real names for the most part because not is just getting annoying.  With the exception of the kids and a few adults who have to remain anonymous, psuedonyms shall be no more.

1) Started writing again!
2) Baby Ouiser (who shall now be known as Sumo-ette because she looks EXACTLY like her brother) was born.
3) Had back surgery.  L5-S1 Microdiscectomy.  Had numbness and tingling in my left leg for a little over a week.  The fact that it wasn’t worse or permanent is suprising.  The doc told me the disc was herniated so badly he literally had to pry the nerves out of the way to get it all cleaned out.  Having the surgery is the best thing I’ve ever done.

1) Started feeling better!
2) Was vaguely seeing someone.  Sort of.  It’s confusing. 
3) It ended and I started vaguely seeing someone else.  Again sort of and it’s confusing.  Maybe it’s something I’ll talk about here.  Maybe not.  At any rate she’s also a dear friend of mine and means a lot to me.  Her name is Bronwyn.  🙂
4) Visited Sumo and Sumo-ette.  And their parents of course 🙂  (who will remain anonymous because of the Pilot’s job.)

1) Auditioned for ‘Annie’ at my old theatre and was cast in the ensemble.
2) In the process also reconnected with a ton of old friends.
3) Worked sporadically as my gram’s home health worker.

1) Started making new friends involved with the production.  Better friends than I’ve had in years IRL.  🙂
2) Made home with mom and gram my “official” residence again and seriously started considering staying permanently.

hooverville-chicksNovember, so far
1) Took part in the bang up production of ‘Annie’!


Filed under Happiness is, my favorite kiddos, theatre geek, under the knife